So we made it! We are here in Argentina and will post as often as we can. The internet connection isn't the best so you will have to bear with us a bit (took four separate attempts to get this post posted), but posts will come, and will generally consist of the best contents from each, that will be a mission as this vacation is something like 19 days! Anyhow, this is the first day, the day we arrived. We were feeling very tired and jet lagged, and mosied around town trying to stay up so we could get a good night's sleep. From door to door it was about 20 hours, for both of us.
Yep, that is the Argentine flag. It welcomed us to this fine city. What a lovely flag it is...
Argentine PJs...this is on the ride from the aeropuerto to the ciudad.
So of course they play Football in Argentina, pretty much the deporte nacional [sic]. Anyhow, don't think they call it Indoor Football, instead it is called Cover Futbol. Thought it was interesting...
Went and bought some water and cerveza and came across these diapers. Didn't buy them, but couldn't resist the temptation to shoot a photo...hope it tickles your fancy...
On our lazy walk of the city on the first day we came across one of the widest (and biggest) trees we had ever seen. Here is a photo of Meg...
Same tree (back left) except a self portrait that includes Mark!
We needed to eat, so we headed to this restaurant in Recoleta called TeaTriz...we got there about 9:00 pm and there was nobody in the restaurant! The locals generally eat at 10 or 10:30 pm, so we went to this Cafe and had a beer before going back for din din. This is Mark at the Cafe...happy as a clam! He also very much enjoys Quilmes Chopp (more on that later).
Here is Meg at same Cafe as Mark above...she very much enjoys Quilmes Chopp tambien!
The restaurant was on this street...what a lovely name for a calle.
That is all for now unfortunately, but much more to come later...and we reckon you'll enjoy what's to come a bit more as well. Ciao.
nice! seems like your having fun. cant wait to see more photos. safe travels.
Cool. Travel writing is my favorite. I'll be checking in regularly.
Tricky baby looks like a little old lady.
Meghan looks absolutely gorgeous in the cafe photo (among other photos)! Vaya Con Dios, mis amigos!!
thanks for checking the blog guys...things have been absolutely amazing! it is a real pain in the ass with internet and everything to post, so they aren't coming as frequent as we would like. but rest assured, we have hundreds of photos that will be posted eventually, and definitely before we leave. all the best!!! we miss you guys!!!
some of them will be posted...not hundreds...hehe. sippin' wine right now in wine country...
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