So it has almost been a week since the last post - that is due largely to internet connections that are mal, or the connections don't extend to our room. It is also due to the fact that we are on vacation and posting to the blog is not the top priority. That being said, we have managed to post a segundo tiempo. We are in Mendoza currently, relaxing at our B&B (La Escondida) awaiting an upcoming 16 hour bus ride...yes, 16 hours. Holy sh*t is right. We are headed to Bariloche, which is going to be amazing...Bariloche is la zona de lagos (lake zone). Can't wait! The following is what went down on New Year's Eve, the second day of our trip...
Came across a shop that sold basically nothing but roller skates...they also sold some skateboards and various items of the sort with wheels. This was their sign...thought it was neat.
Prior to having lunch at likely the best lunch spot of the trip, we went and bought tickets for the Super Cama! Super Cama is a bus where you get beds basically...more about that later. La Neuva Gata Alegria was suggested by Mr. Ewman Bowmananian, and am very glad for his suggestion. The best Empanada I will likely ever have! The Quilmes is real nice tambien. Thanks Ewan!
Same restaurant, same day, except a photo containing the both of us.
On the walk back from La Nueva Gata Alegria, we came across a plaza/parque that had all these wild cats roaming around. The park was basically infested with wild cats...crazy. Hilary would like this park as she is a fan of the feline...
What would a trip abroad be without some anti-Bush sentiment?
So it is New Year's Eve, and we didn't know where to go. Most places were 500 pesos a person for set menu dinners...that's about $150 US per person...a bit outrageous. We somehow lucked out and found this place La Payana, which turned out to be the luckiest thing ever! This place was only 160 pesos a person for set menu, which is about $45 US...we had all the wine and champagne we could manage and an 8 course meal! A couple of Meg's work associates were in town as well, Sarah and Melissa, and they met us for a wonderful array of courses and drinks for our New Year's celebration. At midnight, the employees came and kissed everyone! That's all that can be said at the moment, but it was a New Year's that will stand out in our minds forever.
Sarah on the left, Melissa on the right...was nice to celebrate with friends in a far far away place.
Mark on the left, Meg on the right.
Just before midnight, the champagne flowed...and flowed, and flowed, and flowed...
Cheers big ears!
Down the hose big nose!
Feliz ano 2009!!! Argentine style...
This was the 8th course, the second dessert course. Look how mahoosive that plate of comida is!
After dinner, around 1:30 am, we headed to a bar in our neighborhood to meet some of Melissa's friends. We drank quite a bit, and ended up home pretty early in the morning. That's a normal night in Argentina, let alone New Year's Eve...
Evidence of aforementioned drank quite a bit...
Mark bought fireworks from a tienda earlier in the day. They were real loud, and scared people. Meghan really likes fireworks.
At some point during the night (these are generally sequential, but don't really know when this one was shot) we saw this billboard for our new favorite beer...Quilmes Chopp! We found out that Chopp is a Brazilian-style light beer, with some hints of fruit.
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Happy new year!
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