So this basically goes down monthly now, but at least it goes down. The last month has been pretty crazy, for the both of us. Here is some stuff that might Tickle Your Fancy.
Meghan had a birthday, October 19th! Here she is blowin' out candles. Photos of Meghan blowin' out candles are just great...very cheeky.
It was late in the season, but we still saw the Sal-mon running...its called the Salmon Run, but they don't actually run. There were lots of dead Sal-mon, and it was really stinky.
This video shows Sal-mons swimming, and likely laying eggs. They are real tired, so they don't swim much anymore. When they get to tired to even attempt to swim, they just float down the river until they wind up at their final resting place.
Man, what a way to go out - having birds pick your eyes out. I guess it's better than swallowing a hook and being clubbed to death on a boat.
"Barefoot" tasty shit "90 points"? excellent. Happy belated Bday Megs!
Yeah, going out with birds picking your eyes out is much more natural...
Steve - que?
don't listen to Stevie. He's retarded. 90 points? Barefoot? Poor Salmons.
Happy B-Day Megan. Dean hates fishing.
i was talking about the wine barefoot.
-fuck you Eeyore
Oh Reeves.
who loves you E
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