Monday, July 7, 2008

Two Americans and One Canadian...Happy 4th!

Happy 4th - we got off to a late start. Needed a flashlight to view the fine meats as they cooked. Started around 10:30. It was a late night... No fireworks photos unfortunately.


Meghan celebrated.

This is can tell he was down for celebratin' as well.


~M said...

You have been tagged! This is a fun entry game called Ten Things About Me. I have the format on my blog ( - all you need to do is copy it into a new post, and fill in your answers! Be sure to tag five people when you're done!


Kirk H. said...

Wicked pics Mark and Meghan! Keep it up!

I want me one-o-them heat-flashlights! It's like you can cook a steak just by pointing the light at it! marvelous!