Yeah, another Shawnigan post... But that's what we've been up to, weekends at Shawnigan. The weather on this particular weekend wasn't nearly as nice as the others, but that's quite alright considering the amazing weather the other weekends had. Plus, this weekend had a new visitor (Colin) to the lake and a second-timer (Anna).
We grew these luscious zucchinis in our urban garden, not at Shawnigan Lake. They were terrific zucchinis. We are quite proud of how they turned out.
So Sunday morning we decided to get out and do some water skiing. Meg is an old pro...she used to do crazy slalom courses on one ski. Mark (pictured here), on the other hand, had never been on just one ski, and it had probably been 20 years since being on two skis. Excitement levels were running high.
Video time! This video shows some Orcas swimming along. A crappy video, but Orcas swimming along nonetheless. I've been on that ferryboat probably a hundred times, and this was only the second time seeing whales... So you understand the reason for including them in this post.
Meghan and her badboy slalom skills. Stylin!
It had been a long time for Colin as well...
Yeah, I made it across the wake eventually...
Next stop...Whistler for some Cheese Rolling!!
Video time! This video shows some Orcas swimming along. A crappy video, but Orcas swimming along nonetheless. I've been on that ferryboat probably a hundred times, and this was only the second time seeing whales... So you understand the reason for including them in this post.
Meghan and her badboy slalom skills. Stylin!
It had been a long time for Colin as well...
Yeah, I made it across the wake eventually...
Next stop...Whistler for some Cheese Rolling!!