Thursday, September 11, 2008


Been a ton going on, but nothing really exciting to report. Maybe the camera hasn't been used appropriately lately...who knows?

This is the bathroom (washroom, WC, whatever) at Shawnigan. I had a chore...painting! Meghan thought it would be a great idea to take photos of me in action! I wear contacts, and it would be a bummer to have little white spots on them.

Straight rollin'...

Throw your hands in the air [aye-yeerr].

Monkey happy.

Irish folk and whiskey in the future!

Pretty view.

We went to this thing called Feast of Fields...was amazing. Would have taken more photos, but we were busy stuffing our faces. Basically, loads of amazing restaurants show up to this gig and give you all you can eat (and drink) for $75 per head. It was presented by FarmFolk.

There were chickens there - a whole coop actually.

Here is an example of one. They seemed pretty happy.