Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fire is Fun

So there's this thing called the Celebration of Lights that goes down in Vancouver... Four action-packed nights of Fireworks glory. Canada went first, then the States, and China was last night. Pretty damn bitchin'. Taking photos of fireworks is a lot of fun, even if you suck at it.






Very stringy.

Perty colors.

We'd never seen fireworks like these before - they reminded us of killer bees. It was basically like this video for 25 minutes, but even more intense! The grand finale is Saturday night, but we won't be watching.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bullé Bullé in Seattle!

So I don't really know where to many things happened this past weekend. I guess I'll start with where it happened...Seattle! We went down for our first Dean & Melissa visit since they moved to the Pacific Northwest. We were very excited...

We didn't venture outside of their neighborhood (Magnolia) and the adjoining neighborhood of Ballard. And there was no reason to! Everything we needed was in these two hoods...Finch, Bullé Bullé, Red Velvet Cake, Tito, Sarah's Party, Salmon in Locks, Super Bee Vehicles, Trains, Liquor, Cheddar the Dog, Discovery Park, Maggie Bluffs, and much, much more.

Every time the four of us get together, weird things tend to happen. An example of this is on Saturday night when we were sitting on the patio at their local watering hole (watering of course), there was a domestic disturbance across the way. This woman was yelling at the top of her lungs for a good half hour or so (maybe even an hour), and the predominant rant was something along the lines of "Tito, I'm a Whore"! Apparently she wanted the whole neighborhood to know these things...I think she was actually mad at Tito, so not sure why she was yelling that. Never heard a peep from Tito...

We had a blast and can't wait to go back - but hopefully they'll be coming up here next, and soon!

This is Finch, their new Pug, and that's his Bullé Bullé, compressed Bull Penis. He really likes it. He burned through that badboy over the weekend. I like how it looks as if he is smoking a cigar.

This is Finch again, with me in the reflection. He wasn't happy we were leaving.

We left Finch to go to Maggie Bluff's, this wonderful Marina Grill that kicks out nice jams. Turns out Finch could've come along - next time.

Cheers, Big Ears!

I forgot how good a Mimosa is at 12:30 in the afternoon! Yummy...

Couldn't resist the urge to photograph the Super Bee. Hopefully the owner saw me taking a photo of his Super Bee and thought "Yeah, that's right buddy...that's my sweet ass ride".

After brunch, we had a party to attend. It was in Discovery Park.

Finch was invited to, so we went and picked him up. He was really excited to get to the party.

Starting to lose the Mimosa buzz...

You're a big strong dog Finch.

After the party (we never actually found the party) Finch wanted to go for a swim.

Finch got really tired on the hike.

Apparently you can drink liquor that isn't intoxicating here. Does that mean non-alcoholic beer?

Salmon got it rough.

This is a Salmon in the Locks. It appears he is resting before his mission upstream.

Ah yes...the Ballard Seafood Festival. What a time this was. Ate way too much food, saw a mix between Dennis Rodman and Lenny Kravitz perform weird cover songs (really upset about not having a photo of him), and had a few drinks as well. Meg sure loved it.

Me and Dean were having fun to.

More proof of fun times at the Ballard Seafood Festival.

Photo shoot time at the Ballard Fish Festival Fake Fish!

This is where we heard the domestic disturbance...and drank intoxicating liquor.

Sort of sucks to end this post with a picture of a urinal, but this is no ordinary urinal. Apparently it is the biggest urinal in North America (or something like that). It is big. The photo does not do it justice. Later in the night a real drunk guy with a silly hat filled it up with loads of purple-ish liquids that came out of his was everywhere.

Beavertooth has a similar post - mosey on over there and check it out.

Katie, Marrow, & The Circus

My sister came to town two weekends ago...sadly we only took a very small amount of photos. We were busy, and had a great time. Come back whenever Katie!

Patios and beer in the summer...nothing like it!

We went to dinner at Boneta - I had some bone marrow. Interesting stuff...

We saw Corteo that Sunday - it was really great! Way better than expected...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Master Blaster (Jammin')

So if you ever get a chance to see Stevie Wonder you should take advantage of it. Went the other night, and it was magnificent. There were a few songs homeboy didn't play, most notably 'Part-Time Lover' and 'You Are the Sunshine of My Life'. Other than that, it was the sh*t. Check the video at the bottom - probably the highlight of the night.

We sat far away, but it didn't seem like it. It wasn't sold out either.

Here he comes...

Don't focus on the light - instead look to the left for a screen-shot of Stevie himself.

Had to put one photo of us at the show up here...will have to do I suppose.

Yup, that's Stevie Wonder performing Michael Jackson's 'Human Nature' with a whammy bar for your mouth (or something along them lines)...really was quite something.

A Few Things from the Past Week

Last weekend we walked to dinner. We walked through the Chinese Night Market on the way...we plan to go back.

Pretty good deal for some control panties.

An even better deal for just plain 'ol panties.

Mid week we went to the pitch and putt. It was fun. Think I'm going again this week.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Two Americans and One Canadian...Happy 4th!

Happy 4th - we got off to a late start. Needed a flashlight to view the fine meats as they cooked. Started around 10:30. It was a late night... No fireworks photos unfortunately.


Meghan celebrated.

This is can tell he was down for celebratin' as well.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Canada Day '08 - Fireworks Debacle

This is what happened on July 1, 2008. Got home from the lake, ate some peas, and decided to go look at some fireworks. The fireworks situation didn't work out as planned.

Fruits of the Urban Garden's labor...peas! The plant yielded 6 pods on this day - they were yummy.

Goofin' off at the beach, waiting for the display to begin.

And some more goofin' off...

So we expected to see something along these lines - that's because we read that one of "The Prime Viewing areas" was Kitsilano, which is a short bike ride from home. Well, the below photo shows basically what we saw that night. What a waste... Good thing the Celebration of Light is around the corner...considering how much we love fireworks.

Shawnigan Lake, Round 2

This is a continuation of our recent long-weekend trip to Shawnigan Lake.

This is Moe the dog - he is a friendly little guy and he loves the lake.

Fi, Lizzy, and Meg relaxing lake-style.

Doug is awesome. He owns this boat...and Moe.

Ahh...the end to another lovely day at Shawnigan Lake.

The day wasn't over quite yet though!

On this day we endured a hell of a mission to get the boat in the water for the summer. Once it was in the water, we went to the gas dock to fill 'er up.

We saw some deer, they are agile. The video below is shaky, but shows a bit of deer agility.